Dentures are appliances that replace missing teeth. Unlike natural teeth or implants, they’re not affixed to bone, so they are removable. A full denture replaces the full arch of teeth, whereas a partial denture replaces a few missing teeth. We supply these for our patients as a service, but we also find that most of our patients use this as a step towards an implant-supported denture or bridge. They want a more comfortable, stable denture alternative, which implants provide.
Our patients with implant-supported dentures find that they can speak, eat and smile with confidence, and these dentures look, fit and feel like natural teeth. The goal of any denture is to replace teeth and provide function and aesthetics, and we want to give our patients the best possible service.
At Gentle Dentistry, we believe that insurance plans and financial concerns should not prevent anyone from receiving quality, proactive dental care. Our In-House Dental Savings Plan is designed to help our patients receive the consistent, high quality dental care they need to maintain optimal oral and overall health at an affordable price. Individual annual membership plans start at $349, and cost-effective family plans can be customized to meet the needs of everyone in the family. Each membership plan includes free treatments, special discounts, cosmetic treatments, and much more.
Sign up for our Dental Savings Plan to start enjoying incredible benefits at Gentle Dentistry right away.
Click here to learn more about our dental savings plan