We now recognize many important connections between oral health and systemic health. If improving and maintaining oral health can ultimately improve overall health, that’s exciting. If a healthy mouth could lead to a healthier patient, then medical costs would go down.
Links have been established between oral and overall health in patients with diabetes, coronary and cardiovascular disease, respiratory ailments, and pregnancy. As most oral diseases are amenable to prevention, and as science continues to confirm that more aggressive dental intervention produces better medical outcomes, we need to maximize prevention to benefit our patients’ overall health and well-being.
The mouth naturally harbors oral bacteria, and if not controlled, these bacteria will affect other parts of the body, creating inflammatory problems – infections. Good oral hygiene can control all these.
Dr. Tong
Dr. Rasmussen
At Gentle Dentistry, we believe that insurance plans and financial concerns should not prevent anyone from receiving quality, proactive dental care. Our In-House Dental Savings Plan is designed to help our patients receive the consistent, high quality dental care they need to maintain optimal oral and overall health at an affordable price. Individual annual membership plans start at $349, and cost-effective family plans can be customized to meet the needs of everyone in the family. Each membership plan includes free treatments, special discounts, cosmetic treatments, and much more.
Sign up for our Dental Savings Plan to start enjoying incredible benefits at Gentle Dentistry right away.
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