Dr. Angela Rasmussen

1) What skills am I proficient in?
All aspects of restorative dentistry. With 40-plus years of practice under my belt, along with all the great advances in dentistry throughout those years (I’m a lifelong student, always learning new things), I pride myself on being very proficient in what I do.
2) How I interact with patients
First and foremost, I listen to and get to know the person I’m meeting before they become a “patient.” I want to know their story, goals, fears, and concerns. After a comprehensive clinical exam and record-taking, I’ll formulate a personalized treatment program. Then, I will collaborate with my patient, and we will work together as a team.
3) What procedures do I love to do?
I enjoy providing beautiful smiles for my patients. That can involve tooth movement, tissue procedures, and several restorative options, such as whitening, bonding, veneers, crowns, and implants. When I not only meet but exceed my patients’ expectations, the rewards are priceless. That’s why I love it!
4) What procedures do I want to do more of?
Honestly, more of the above. It’s a win-win and truly rewarding!
5) Why does dentistry have a special impact on my heart?
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” When you’ve worked hard and been blessed to be able to change a person’s life in a positive way, through their smile, as I’ve had the privilege of doing for 40 years, it’s part of my heart, and always will be.
6) Who is my ideal patient?
The ideal patient would be someone who appreciates the efforts of our office and team, understands the idea of real health and wellness, and is committed to achieving their goals. We also share mutual trust and respect.
7) What humbly sets me apart from my colleagues?
I have been a full-time dentist for over 40 years, 39 of those years here at Gentle Dentistry, which I established in 1984. With that kind of longevity comes experience and wisdom and many, many blessings! It’s rare to find a track record like this in any industry today. And one of the treasured rewards from that longevity is the long-term relationships with my patients that I’ve had the honor and privilege to know and serve.